Monday, September 27, 2010

Thoughts on the Portrait

This assignment on portrait of a place was definitely an interesting one. For one I found out that filming in an apartment with no lighting equipment is not very fun. It is hard enough trying to convey your ideas of a film to your DP without having to worry about how to avoid three lamps, and a giant wall of light, also known as my window. Overall, although the portrait didn't turn out the way I would have liked it to, the communication process between the DP and I was pretty solid. Even though, he didn't always shoot shots the way I would have liked them to be shot, he found ways to frame and light that I would have not thought of and that added to the overall work.

So far I haven't gotten any feedback yet from people watching, so my thoughts on that will have to wait but I have learned a lot from listening to comments people have made about other projects that are similar to mine. I have learned about cameras that can deal with low light situations better and I have also been able to recognize flaws in my own work as well as a couple of tricks to fix filming errors. So this project has been a very good learning tool for me, I won't make the same lighting mistakes twice (well at least not three times).

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