Tuesday, November 30, 2010

DP Reel

Framing got slightly messed up during export but other than that....enjoy


Artist Statement
     Over the past couple of months my vision has slowly been developing. At first I wasn't sure at all how to capture my look let alone what my look would be but now as I have reached the end of the semester I believe that I have final established my vision. I believe that this reel capture some of what I am about. In this reel I tried to meld some of my "pretty", scenic shots with a more intense side of my filming. I tried to capture a shock value and really push the dichotomy between between the two styles. In my work I would like to become a serious independent documentary maker and I think this reel shows visually how I like to express people. I like to show their real side but I also like to show their "electric" side, full of excitement and motion. I like to show both sides of people the sides they advertise to everyone and the sides they hide to themselves. I hope that some of this comes across visually in my work.